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Régebbi látogatóink már észrevehették, hogy az utóbbi időben jelentősen megfogyatkozott az oldal frissítéseinek a száma. Ennek oka az, hogy a. Teljes fordítói tevékenységünket átvittük fórumunk keretein belülre. Fórumoldalunkon belül, viszont napi szinten folyik a fordítási munka. Sehol máshol el nem érhető fordításokkal gazdagodhatsz, ha ellátogatsz hozzánk, természetesen továbbra is térítésmentesen! Ha nem hiszed, győződj meg róla saját magad.
,Jubei,Hsinchu 30261,Taiwan,R.
AblePixel will be returning shortly with an upgraded site. Be sure to come back to visit us again soon. For any other enquiries please contact us on.
Popular Science awarded Able Planet with Product of the Future. Designed to Enhance and Amplify Sound in Noisy Environments. How well do you hear? Their fans to get.
System for children of all abilities from the National Lekotek Center. AblePlay is a resource sponsored by the National Lekotek Center. AblePlay evaluations provide research, ratings and reviews on each of these key areas of development.
The pressures of school can be tough on kids, especially those with special needs. Play can help children relax, recharge their batteries and take on new challenges. What research has proven again and again is that kids learn best through play. Guided play advances cognitive skills like language, as well as social skills such as emotional regulation. Sing, dance and play music. Music therapists know the power of listening to and making music.